The purpose of this project was the practice a prose for letter writing in response to a complaint that happened concerning a problem. This piece give tells in how the insecurity on the campus is but also gives some options how they solve the problem, but it was not enough is in how to respond to a problem by choosing a complaint that could have happened in the security at nights on UNM, by responding to the complaint the prose is practice and a formal tone to present how some students walk alone and they feel unsafe.
The audience of this response letter is the students, instructors and all people those who walk at night on campus. The letter is the combination set forth a prose to be formal and to support the and justify why these people without wanting to have walk at night, but without having proof of those who have already gone throuhg that situation. This would support the situation in how the students feel unsafe and why they need to do and stray late on campus, cause as well as maintain strict and professional tone to be approved for the UNM department safety.
Overall, I am pleased with the output of this assignment. I found how can walk with more safety at nights and what can I do with some recommendations I share on the resources, is still not enough but is something can still help to me and some students for now. It is always good to know to protect and notify the authorities about what is happening. That way you feel insecure, you speak for people who would never be willing so. Safety is important and walking without fear of anything, because there is nothing better than doing things without fear of anything.