Alejandra Campos  
Rachael Reynolds 
English 2210 


The purpose in this project is to create a new life monotony. Working in good monotony and learning a new language, new ideas in how to break up with those mental barriers, because some people think that learning a new language is hard because they try to learn in hard ways but with this new way I'll share with you, will be easier, even if you don’t know the language perfectly but when you are finished trying to learn with my steps at the end of the day, you will learn with more motivation because you  already knew that learning a new language is not so boring after all. This piece achieves its purpose, because the intention of this new way of learning a new language is to have fun knowing yourself and knowing you are capable of learning whatever you want, because when you set out your goals, you can achieve everything with motivation and above all patience.  

This is created for the audience for any age and the piece achieve its purpose because shows ways that kids and adults can learn. For fun learning you can watch cartoons (kids) or Netflix series (adults). Sometimes for kids is easier to learn in cartoons or playing, because they have more time for learning and they are having fun too. In addition, is the growth stage where they learn everything. Adults have the advantage of knowing a more complex vocabulary, this way they can learn more reasonable words with the purpose of learning a language with good bases. The medium of the video, it was the best choice for the audience and my purpose because it shows step by step how to achieve the goal to learn a new language or anything because when you find yourself in a monotony life is something that you can do but change with anything that you want to do every day or somedays on the week. 

I chose this topic because is something that I am very identified with, because is something that helps me a lot to think that I can do it too. Also, my first language is Spanish, and I tried to do a lot things to learn English and I believe this was a fun way to do it and I decided to share it with people. This helped me to learn new words and terms, also because when you want to learn a new language, its important you are patient in the matter and give it time. I also think that in any language, even your own, you will never stop learning something new.  

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